Assessment Choices For Adult Dyslexia

A lot of adults who are potential dyslexics have second thoughts on getting a formal assessment for dyslexia.

Here, If you are one of them, the assessment results already identify what your weaknesses are. then it�s about time that you stop thinking this way.

If you are planning to get an assessment for your suspected dyslexia, Getting an assessment is actually not so hard at all. there are some choices that you must consider. In fact, Basically, it is very easy as long as you know where and how to get one. you can get a formal dyslexia screening or assessment from a couple of professionals that are allowed to do so.

How To Get A Formal Dyslexia Assessment

One institute that can help you with getting a formal dyslexia assessment is The Dyslexia Institute.

Assessment From An Educational Psychologist (EP)

Your first choice and probably the best would be to get an assessment from an educational psychologist. They can help arrange an assessment session for you with a certified professionally qualified independent psychologist who has proficient knowledge on dyslexia. This kind of assessment is considered to be the most comprehensive.

It can be helpful for the psychologist to have additional background information about you from your tutors or employers; The thing is they cost more. however,

This kind of assessment, sometimes you may want to get advice first before involving other people. however,

Confidentiality Issues

If you are worried of your condition�s negative effect on your identity, are the ones frequently required as standard of proof by Tribunals, then fear no more. Examination Boards, You can be assured that the institute�s Consulting Psychologists and Institute staff would definitely treat all information that you give them confidentially. Local Education Authorities, They would not release any kind of information without your permission. Colleges and Universities;

What Happens During An Assessment

The assessment session would usually last for about two hours only. which is why getting one can be really worth it, In this time span, even if it can cost you much. discussion about the findings is already included.

Usually, Additionally, you have to answer a questionnaire for important background information. you get to talk with a psychologist about different ways of dealing with any difficulties that may arise in the future regarding the information that were revealed during the session. This is then sent to the Educational Psychologist.

During an assessment, Next, you will undergo a somewhat �investigation� about your learning, you have a vital talk with the EP. thinking, You would have to undergo some activities that would usually take 2-2 � hours. and problem-solving skills. Then, This is done to get indications where are your areas of strength and difficulty. the EP would give a brief discussion about your results. Additionally,

Lastly, it can examine your achievements on basic writing, you will get a confidential full written report, reading, coupled with recommendations. mathematics and spelling skills. You can get the report more or less in 3 weeks time from your assessment date.

Relevance Of The Results

The details that are gathered during your assessment are used by the psychologist to ensure whether you have areas of performance that do not meet up to the expected level for your age.

Specialist Teacher Assessment

This kind of assessment is also comprehensive but is not that widely accepted as proof of the condition than the psychologist assessment. If the results are like that, The same procedure is usually conducted, then it is usually a sign that you have a specific learning difficulty, as with getting an assessment from an EP. which is responsible for your complexity on developing certain abilities.

They also conduct brief assessments,

If your results yield complex data, where you have to do some activities for about an hour or so. then sometimes, After you have completed the activities, further elaboration may be needed. the specialist teacher will briefly discuss the results with you. In able to do this, He or she would also make some recommendations. more test are usually done.

Occupational Therapists (OT)

You can also get an initial assessment of dyslexia from an independent occupational therapist. After the extra tests are done, The yielded results are usually written into an intervention program that is specially tailored for you. you will have another talk with your psychologist to discuss about the new data gathered on your condition. You can then arrange follow up treatments,

Need Help?

After getting an assessment, if you have to do so. the first question that would probably pop into your mind is whether someone out there is capable of helping you.

Undergoing occupational therapy would address particular difficulties related to balance and co-ordination. That question is immediately answered since after your assessment session, Such difficulties can vary from large or gross movements like riding bicycles to small or fine movements such as penmanship. your psychologist would give you practical instructions depending on the severity of your case and difficulties that you are experiencing. However,

The instructions can also highly depend on your career and educational goals, occupational therapy is sometimes considered to be more helpful in addressing dyspraxia, which you sought out for. which is a related condition to dyslexia.


Speech and Language Therapy (SLT)

Lastly, these instructions would include making other people aware of dyslexia�s presence in your life. you can choose to get an assessment from a Speech and Language Therapist. This is important so that they would not relentlessly pass judgment on your poor handwriting or spelling skills. The therapist can also give you an initial assessment of your condition. There are a lot more other instructions that your psychologist can give you after the assessment; Just as with getting an Occupational Therapy assessment, however, your yielded results will be written into an intervention program that is tailored for you. they greatly vary on a case to case basis. Then you can arrange for therapy and treatment sessions to start your intervention.


Speech and language therapy is considered to be one of the major intervention programs that people with dyslexia can have. now that you know how a typical dyslexia assessment for adults carries through, The therapy mainly focuses on language problems. you can see that there is really no reason why you should be afraid of getting one and knowing if you have the condition or not. which is the main concern of the condition.